There is a strange town, just over yonder. It is at once both modern and ancient, bustling and deadly silent, common and quite unique, planned and completely random . It has no permanent residents, but what town really does? We are all travellers, our destination the same, the journey itself all that matters. We live as we dream.
Like most towns, this one is made up of a collection of neighbourhoods. The invisible overlords of this town planned these neighbourhoods when they built their first scale model of the town, envisioning that each would serve the population in a different way. There is an educational district, with schools ranging from kindergarten right up to grad school, where people learn how to do things. There is an industrial sector, full of repair shops where you can bring what's broken.
There is a legal district, where you can go when you have a problem getting what's rightfully yours. There is a construction zone, where you can get everything you need to build your house the way you want it. There is also a town hall, where you can scream into the wind about what upsets you, what pleases you, how you think things should be.
Then there is the café district, where people go just to hang out. This is where our journey begins. Almost.
Stayed Away Too Long
A year is way too long a time, To not have written you a rhyme, I had no clue it's been so long, But knowing now, it just seems wrong That in this year of ...
A year is way too long a time, To not have written you a rhyme, I had no clue it's been so long, But knowing now, it just seems wrong That in this year of ...
9 years ago
I really enjoy the line “There is also a town hall, where you can scream into the wind about what upsets you, what pleases you, how you think things should be” It really sums up how pointless people can be
Interesting Legacy. Invisible overlords? A cafe district where people just go hang out. Remind you of anywhere. Think I'm going to read all of your posts and see how many I just don't get :0)
I like it still :)
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